รักกันชอบกัน ช่วยกัน"เก้าอี้" ด้วยน้า

I will show you a hidden place! in Kanchanaburi

Every week, my partner and I love to explore and try to find new attrations close to the city to show tourists. And this weekend we explored


This picture is taken from google map that someone has previously reviewed ^^

Kanchanaburi, Kanchanaburi Let’s Climbing with Us.[English Version]
Kanchanaburi, Kanchanaburi Let’s Climbing with Us.[English Version]

When I first heard about it, I checked the location on Google Maps to help us decide how to get there.
Pha Tha In-Kwaen (Kyaiktiyo Pagoda), there is another place that has gone up to Burma for a long time.

But not here! This is Kanchanaburi!

“In-Kwaen” name is probably a replica of the mother’s name “Kyaiktiyo Pagoda”. It is amazing. A large limestone rock stand on another small limestone rock. It looks like it is man-made but it’s not.
Up to the hill about 150 meters we read a Google review, there was only one group of people before us who had visited it. COOL!!!

At first, I would love to watch the sunrise from the hill. But since we have never been there before it was a bit difficult to plan. We had to start early in the morning.

We left the city early in the morning at 6am from Inchantree Doopool which is a cool local hipster/chill hotel.

Kanchanaburi, Kanchanaburi Let’s Climbing with Us.[English Version]

We then drove across the bridge past Wat Thewa Sangkharam, heading to “Khao Chong Sadet Temple”. “Chong Chet Sadet”, which is nearby, is beaturiful as well. Our destination was for Khao In-Kwaen however, which is 20min from the city and the roads are very good.

Kanchanaburi, Kanchanaburi Let’s Climbing with Us.[English Version]

We arrived to the Khao Chong Sadet Temple, asked a monk which the way up to the hill is. He replied that he dont know as he has never climbed up himself.
We were told that not even people living in the area knew about this pleace so we had to Trust Google. Even the monk who lived in the nearby temple said that there was no way up and asked us where we were going, hahaha.

We opened Google Maps and looking for the right directions same as we learned in scout class. We walked into the sugarcane farm, behind the tample passing through the cemetery. We were just afraid of snakes and geckos. If we would see any, I can tell that we are very fast runners.

Kanchanaburi, Kanchanaburi Let’s Climbing with Us.[English Version]
Kanchanaburi, Kanchanaburi Let’s Climbing with Us.[English Version]
Kanchanaburi, Kanchanaburi Let’s Climbing with Us.[English Version]
Kanchanaburi, Kanchanaburi Let’s Climbing with Us.[English Version]
Kanchanaburi, Kanchanaburi Let’s Climbing with Us.[English Version]

Walking up the hill, climbing for a while, you can get to the top without any problem.

When arriving up on the top, it stikes you how beautiful it is up there. The weather is mellow and the sun starts to rise over the mountain.

Kanchanaburi, Kanchanaburi Let’s Climbing with Us.[English Version]

The big stone in front looked amazing. Floating on top, perfectly still. Elegant on top of the other one.

My favorite is that the big rock is gray from the limestone color, but the base that is placed there. It’s a white color. Which, when it was exposed to sunlight, the base of the stone would be trun to a beautiful golden color, as if hanging on the golden floor !! F_uking Beautiful!

Kanchanaburi, Kanchanaburi Let’s Climbing with Us.[English Version]

Looking around, we saw the rice farms, sugarcane frams that the villagers planted. Further away, we could see the city.

Climbing up took about 1 hour, which was not that tiring at all. Take it slow, rest. I never thought that Kanchanaburi would have any place like this.

Kanchanaburi, Kanchanaburi Let’s Climbing with Us.[English Version]

We’re can say that “Khao In-Kwaen Kanchanaburi” here may be another huge tourist attraction.

For the decent from the mountain we needed to be a bit careful and as I mentioned covered feet is essential. Walking down takes about 30min.

I think Kanchanaburi has many more amazing places like this. I will write about them again as I find them.

Finally, please, don’t forget to SUP with us at SEDS! If you are not satisfied, you will get your money back.

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SEDS @ Kanchanaburi

Kanchanaburi, Kanchanaburi Let’s Climbing with Us.[English Version]

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